Student Cities in Turkey


Student Cities in Turkey.

Turkey has 81 cities in with 201 universities in total. Thousands on students are yearly deciding on in which city of Turkey they will start their university education. As a popular study abroad choice, we have listed you the best Student Cities in "Turkey". With high education standards and recognized universities, all of the cities mentioned in our list have great opportunities to offer for International Students.

Best student cities in Turkey

İstanbul – The most famous student city

Population :15.2019.582
Airports :3
Railway Station: 68
Universities: 57
Museums: 54
Libraries: 35

Istanbul, the famous city connecting Asia and Europe. This giant city called Istanbul has more then beautiful bridges, histrorical places and the breath-taking Bosphorus to offer.

Istanbul is one of the best student cities not only in Turkey, also all across the globe.

There are in total 57 universities in Istanbul. 44 of 57 Universities are private universities – and 13 public universities. Istanbul is home to 29% of all universities around "Turkey" and makes Istanbul itself a student city.

Around one third of the international students choose Istanbul as their study destination. Both the most departments and the most universities are located in Istanbul.

On top of that, Istanbul functions very well as a student city since it offers various accommodation options and free-time possibilities. Most of the student state that after several years of living in Istanbul, they have still places to discover in Istanbul...

Top 5 Public Universities in Istanbul:

1.İstanbul University
2.Marmara University
3.Boğaziçi University
4.İstanbul Technical University
5.Yıldız Teknik University

Top 5 Private Universities in Istanbul:

1.Yeditepe University
2.Özyeğin University
3.İstanbul Bilgi University
4.İstanbul Medipol University
5.İstanbul Aydın University

Ankara – The capital of Turkey and a Student Magnet

Population :4.965.542
Airports: 1
Railway Station: 1
Universities :20
Museums: 8
Libraries: 20

Ankara – the capital of Turkey, with approximately 5,4 Mio. inhabitants are one the biggest cities in Turkey. Studying in Ankara can be very exciting. Ankara is the second most chosen destinations for private universities in Turkey.

With 7 public universities and 8 private universities Ankara is one of the most ideal cities to spend your higher education years. The student life in Ankara is also completely different than other cities on the list. In Ankara, there are only certain spots where all the students hang out.

Public Universities in Ankara:

  1. Gazi University
  2. Ankara University
  3. Middle East Technical University

Private Universities in Ankara:

  1. Atılım University
  2. Lokman Hekim University
  3. TED University

İzmir – A city to live and study

Population: 4.322.474
Airports :1
Railway Station: 2
Universities: 9
Museums: 18
Libraries: 15

İzmir is located in the western part of Turkey. It is Turkey’s third biggest city in terms of population. İzmir as a city, has not so much tourist attraction as its surrounding cities but has still the qualities of a city for tourism. With beautiful beaches and nice promenades and relaxing atmosphere, İzmir is for sure a place to study and have fun at the same time.

There are in total 9 universities in Izmir. Three of these nine universities are private universities.

Public Universities in İzmir:

1.Ege University
2.Dokuz Eylül University
3.İzmir Institute of Technology

Private Universities in İzmir:

Yaşar University
İzmir Economy University

Antalya – Sunniest Student City in Turkey

Population: 2.418.777
Airports: 1
Railway Station: 0
Universities :5
Museums: 6
Libraries: 4

One of the most known cities in Turkey and in our list is for sure Antalya. A place not only for holidays – also a great city to study abroad. Under the heating sun and beautiful beaches, you will enjoy your studies like nowhere else.

Antalya offers 3 private universities and two public universities. Most of the international students choose to study at private universities in Antalya due to its campus life and education.

Private Universities in Antalya:

Antalya Bilim University
Alanya HEP University
Antalya Akev University

State Universities in Antalya:

Akdeniz University
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University

Sakarya – One of the most chosen student cities in Turkey

Airports :1
Railway Station: 0
Universities: 2
Museums: 2
Libraries: 3
Sakarya, one of the Marmara region’s growing cities, is home to the University of Sakarya which bears its name.

The city of Sakarya is very crowded because of its proximity to Istanbul, it’s one of the cities that draws much attention. Sakarya is highly crowded, with a population of 953 thousand.

Universities in Sakarya:

1.Sakarya University
2.Sakarya University of Applied Sciences

Which one of the Student Cities in Turkey is the best?

Even though there are others cities to Study in Turkey. We have chosen these five cities to study, because Sakarya, Antalya, İzmir, Ankara and İstanbul offers the most options for international students in Turkey. On top of that, universities in these student cities in Turkey has the most international students.
