#CancelexamsPakistan2021 trends on Twitter as Students call on Shafqat Mehmood to "postpone exams"

 #CancelexamsPakistan2021 trends on Twitter as Students call on Shafqat Mehmood to "postpone exams" 

As the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) deliberates on the future of education amid the third coronavirus wave, the students have taken to Twitter to urge the authorities to cancel exams. 

Students started to trend #cancelexamspakistan2021 in an effort to make sure their demands were heard loud and clear by the country's policy makers.

The trend and the meeting comes as the number of COVID-19 active cases have doubled in the last three weeks while the positivity ratio has remained above 8% in the last few days. 

According to the NCOC data, the number of active cases was 17,352 on March 6 which reached 36,849 on Wednesday.

Earlier, Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mehmood had said that he was not in favour of shutting down educational institutes but the NCOC believed that there’s a high risk of coronavirus in schools.

“50 million children are linked with education and if someone got infected, the disease would spread," he had said.

The health officials have warned that the UK variant, which has wreaked havoc in Punjab and the federal capital, spreads faster and is more deadly.

But, for now, let's have a look at the memes that have started with the trend #cancelexamspakistan2021.

Show some love 'Uncle Shafqat'.
